Daily Rituals For Winter

January is a funny old month isn’t it? It can be a great time to retreat and spend more time at home looking after yourself after the excitement and busyness of Christmas. However, it can also be an extremely challenging time for many: winter in England can be very wet, dark and cold. 

Did you know that January is named after the Roman god Janus, who was known as the protector of gates and doorways, symbolising new beginnings and endings. Janus is depicted with two faces, one looking into the past, the other with the ability to see into the future. 

I like this idea for January, that you don’t have to hit the ground running into the new year with big plans and resolutions, but it’s still a time for reflection, planning and starting to make some good habits part of your daily routine.

I’ve put together 7 rituals that help me get through the winter months, that I hope will encourage others to embrace winter too…

  1. Give yourself extra time in bed. Whether it’s when you go to bed at night or when you wake up in the morning, whether you spend it sleeping/reading/practicing yoga nidra, it’s up to you. Give this extra time to yourself.

  2. SLOW DOWN and enjoy the ritual of making your morning coffee/tea. It might be the first thing you have done that day, so make it a good one and enjoy each moment. 

  3. See the sunrise: Cheryl Strayed said "there's a sunrise and sunset every day. You can choose to be there for it. You can put yourself in the way of beauty." Make the most of the sun coming up later and make sure you’re outside to enjoy the sun rise (even if that’s during the commute/school run). 

  4. Nourish yourself with hot lunches, extra cups of tea, a piece of chocolate in the afternoon. What is your body asking for that will promote your wellbeing this winter? 

  5. Make the long evenings extra cosy. Light a candle, grab a hot water bottle, have a bath, get into a new series you can't wait to watch more of - this is the time for bedding in. 

  6. Incorporate lovely scents into your routine: candles, wax melts, sage, incense. I find scents can completely change the feeling in a room and it’s a ritual you can do daily to create a positive space for yourself. Check out Tyler Armomatherapy’s range of oil blends and candles. 

  7. Limit your screen time. This is nothing new, but something that I am still trying to get better at and makes a world of difference to my wellbeing, all year round.

These small rituals are easy to adopt and can really make a world of difference so that you’re able to enjoy rather than endure winter.