Yoga Nidra recording to help you make space to rest

Is the busyness of December starting to kick in for you?! Or maybe it’s just all feeling like a lot for you at the moment.

Many of us feel depleted and a little frazzled by the end of the year. Nature is slowing down – it’s preparing us for rest – but for many of us it’s the opposite right now – we have a LOT to do this time of the year. And that’s why it’s so important for our mental and physical health to have a regular practice of making time to rest – which is why Yoga Nidra is so brilliant.

Yoga nidra can be done lying down or seated, and you don’t need a yoga mat. 

If this is your first time practicing, I would recommend finding somewhere quiet to sit or lie down comfortably, grab a blanket and some cushions, or even better get into bed and dim or switch off the lights.

I took part in a beautiful three day training in 2020 with Melanie Cooper and Jennie Wadsten and developed a deeper fascination and love for the practice. This is yoga nidra pratice inspired by one of Jennie’s scripts.

Try this Yoga Nidra (20 mins long), click the link below to listen.