Yoga for Anxiety

For this Year’s Mental Health Awareness Week, I have put together a short sequence of postures that help to reduce anxiety. These postures are aimed at slowing down your heart rate, giving your nervous system a chance to reset. They are also very grounding, for those times that feel a little flighty.

I know that sometimes when you’re feeling anxious, yoga is the last thing on your mind, but incorporating these postures into your day and giving yourself 10-15 minutes of time to focus and breath can help immeasurably.

And know that the key is practise, it may not feel like it’s doing much at first, it may feel difficult and uncomfortable, but with practise, you will begin to see the benefits.

All images taken by @that_wild_kat in Now Studio.

Thunderbolt pose (vajrasana)

Sit with your legs folded underneath you, ground down your sit bones onto the heels of your feet. Sit tall through your spine (try imagining you have a warm light at the base of your spine, shining all the way up and out of the crown of your head). Keep your shoulders and jaw relaxed. Try bringing your hands to your heart centre as you focus on flowing down your breathing.

Stay here for a few minutes, focussing on your breathing throughout. If this feels painful and too much on your knees, try putting a pillow on top of your feet and calves, and make sure to listen to your body.

Give yourself a hug!

Not sure if this one has a name in sanskrit! But who cares, it feels amazing and super nourishing. Either stay in your thunderbolt pose, or come to sit in a position you’re comfortable in and wrap your arms around yourself. Let your chin drop to your chest and send your breath to the space you’re creating in the back of your body. Focus on making this posture feel like a hug, as if you’re hugging someone you love, give yourself the same time, sensation and love.

Forward fold (uttanasana)

From your seated position, make your way to your hands and feet and slowly walk your hands back towards your feet until you’re in forward fold. Keep your knees soft and let your head hang heavy. With each exhale focus on the crown of your head moving towards the ground. Stay here for as long as you need. Pay attention to your exhale and cultivating a feeling of letting go.

Tree pose (vrikshasana)

Slowly make your way up to standing, take a few deep breaths and steady yourself, then bring the sole of your foot to the inside of your ankle, calf or thigh (avoid the knee). Bring your hands to your heart centre (or try opening them up high above your head!) Choose a point in the room to look at to focus your attention and help with your balance. Stand tall and strong from the arch of your foot, all the way up through your standing leg, back and out the crown of your head. Do this on both sides and remember that wobbles are always welcome!

Child’s pose (balasana)

To finish, make your way down into child’s pose, with your knees folded underneath you and your forehead on the mat. Turn your attention to your breath again here and use this posture to create a feeling of deep rest and relaxation.