A Message That You Might Need to Hear This Festive Season...

A message that you might need to hear this festive season: to be able to look after others, you have to first look after yourself. 

At this time of year, lots of us are busy making plans and preparations for the next couple of weeks - seeing friends and family, shopping, cooking, eating, drinking, followed by the clean-up operation and then doing it all over again! It’s a lovely time of year, but it’s also important to remember that if you’re not looking after yourself, you will have nothing ‘to give’ to others. 

Whatever you’re juggling this Christmas (and it might not be a busy time of year for you, but this message is still just as important), make sure that you are keeping your metaphorical cup filled up.

  1. Try slowing down - slow your breath down, move slower; it’s amazing how everything around you feels like it slows down too. 

  2. Prioritise time for yourself - even 10 minutes of yoga/meditation/exercise/extra time in bed - whatever you need that day, notice it and incorporate it into your plans. 

  3. Try saying no - it can be hard when you don’t want to let other people down, but know that if saying no is going to support your own health and wellbeing, it’s not letting anyone down. 

  4. Know that if you didn’t manage to send that card/buy that present/see that person - whatever it is that is just too much to fit in this year, it is NOT the end of the world. 

Wishing everyone a wonderful, healthy, happy and restful Christmas and New year!